Spring Door Decoration

Spring has definitely sprung here in Sydney! It’s been a mild and dry old winter, but the warmth is starting to creep in, and short sleeves appearing. Mind you, today is a wild, windy, cold day…

Anyway, I’ve been thinking about what to put on my front door to herald the arrival of Spring. (You can see my Winter wreath here.) I have some lovely ideas on my Door Décor Pinterest board, but I was just waiting for some inspiration.

Yesterday was also a very wild and windy day (of course no comparison to those experiencing extreme hurricane related winds), but we were all ‘sweltering’ in 35degC heat! Late in the morning I heard a loud noise and went outside to investigate. Continue reading

Renewing One of the Most Useful Things in my Kitchen

Tea towels; we use them all the time, and they need to be within easy reach. I have them hanging from my oven door, and near my sink.

But we find that the easiest way to dry our hands is to use this towel roll attached to the door!

handtowels red and green

You can see that it is well used and time has come for it to be replaced! Continue reading