Lovely Lemons!

Recently I had the opportunity to pick a bag full of lemons from a very old lemon tree, before the property passed to the new owners. My poor little lemon tree in a pot at home doesn’t do the best job at producing fruit, so I was very pleased to stock up!

While they don’t look as ‘beautiful’ as shop-bought, their blemishes are only skin deep, and they still taste great! Here they are, with a commercial lemon for comparison


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Book Week Costume – Dr Who’s TARDIS

We’ve been a bit busy recently working on this year’s Book Week costume, but I couldn’t share it until the parade was over (apart from a few teasers on Instagram). And it was this morning!

We’ve already done costumes for the current popular characters (Ash Ketchum last year, Eli Shane in 2015, Hiccup the year before that…), and every year there are plenty of Harry Potter characters so we were going to leave that alone. This year I told our young man to go to Pinterest for some inspiration. And he came up with the TARDIS! There are a great variety of TARDIS costumes on Pinterest, some of which I pinned to my Book Week Costume Ideas board. Continue reading